To uninstall, hold down the control key while you select the Rakuten icon in your browser toolbar (or right-click on it), then select Remove from Chrome.
If you don’t see the Rakuten icon, enter chrome://extensions in the address bar and press return. Find the Rakuten extension and select Remove.
To uninstall, hold down the control key while you select the Rakuten icon in your browser toolbar (or right-click on it), then select Remove from Microsoft Edge.
If you don’t see the Rakuten icon, select the three dots (Settings and more) in the upper-right corner and select Extensions. Find the Rakuten extension and select Remove.
To uninstall, enter about:addons in the address bar and press return. Select the three dots next to the Cash Back extension, then select Remove.
To uninstall, select Safari at the left of the top menu bar. Select Preferences and go to the Extensions tab. Select Rakuten Cash Back from the menu on the left, then select Uninstall.
If a pop-up appears telling you to remove the Rakuten Cash Back application, select Show in Finder and make sure Safari is closed. In the folder that appears, drag Rakuten Cash Back into the Trash.